The work of CSUN faculty and staff members is recognized in a variety of ways, including:
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Below is a list of the individuals whose work was recognized from January to November 2022.
Lawrence Stoffel (Music) was awarded the 2022 George N. Parks Award for Leadership in Music Education.
Pouyan Eslami (Systems and Operations Management) published an article in the Decision Support Systems titled “Understanding Consumer Engagement in Social Media: The Role of Product Lifecycle,” and another article in the Journal of Computer Information Systems titled “Understanding Data Analytics Recommendation Execution: The Role of Recommendation Quality.”
Amir Gharehgozli (Systems and Operations Management) published an article in the International Journal of Advanced Operations Management titled “The Effects of Hurricanes on Port Operations.”
Richard Moore (Management) and Ken Chapman (Economics) published their updated website,, on CSU students earnings and employment after leaving the CSU. The site is based on over 680,000 student records.
Ravinder Abrol (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $67,226 from the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in support of a project entitled “Nanobiologic Targeting of Metastatic Breast Tumors: Crossing Multiple Barriers,” and $145,000 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Probing the Structural Basis of Innate G Protein Specificity in G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling.”
Andrew Ainsworth (Center for Assessment, Research, and Evaluation) received $34,478 from the Education, Training and Research Associates in support of a project entitled “Delivery Context, Youth Characteristics and Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Secondary Analyses.”
Eduardo Amorim (Biology) received $358,782 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Characterizing Human-Pathogen Interactions and Natural Selection with Ancient DNA.”
Zhaleh Semnani Azad (Management) received $67,092 from Monash University in support of a project entitled “Dialogue Assistance for Negotiations in Cross-Cultural Settings: A Neuro-Symbolic Computational Approach.”
Eli Bartle and Katie Mortimer (Social Work) received $222,296 from the University of California, Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “University Consortium for Children and Families (UCCF).”
Maria De Bellard (Biology) received $857,250 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “EVOLUTION of NOCICEPTION in Elasmobranchs.”
David Bermudes (Biology) received $97,875 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Tumor-Targeting Salmonella Expressing Tumor-Selective Cytotoxic Proteins in Combination With Protease Inhibitors,” and $10,875 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Tumor-Targeting Salmonella Expressing Tumor-Selective Cytotoxic Proteins in Combination with Protease Inhibitors.”
Annette Besnilian (Family and Consumer Sciences) received $180,000 from the Northeast Valley Health Corporation in support of a project entitled “WIC-Based Dietetic Internship Program.”
Annette Besnilian (Family and Consumer Sciences) and David Boyns (Sociology) received $342,500 from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in support of a project entitled “CSUN CalFresh Healthy Living Program,” and $365,500 from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in support of a project entitled “CSUN CalFresh Healthy Living Program.”
Kacie Blackman (Health Sciences) received $72,500 from the University of Southern California in support of a project entitled “Thriving While Black: Black Birth Equity Workers Glowing Through COVID-19.”
Jamie Booth (Mechanical Engineering) received $302,096 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “RUI: The Origins of Statistical Variation of Strength in Micropatterned Adhesive Contacts.”
David Boyns (Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing) received $43,276 from the California Coastal Commission in support of a project entitled “Turning the Tide: Ecological Stewardship Through Outdoor Cleanups and Experiential Education,” and $31,253 from the Child Care Resource Center in support of a project entitled “Help Me Grow.”
Danielle Bram (Geography and Environmental Studies) received $6,000 from the United States Forest Service in support of a project entitled “Forest Service Air Quality Monitors: Data Processing and Attribution,” and $75,000 from California State University, San Bernardino in support of a project entitled “Forest Resiliency, San Bernardino National Forest.”
Danielle Bram (Geography and Environmental Studies) and Natale Zappia (History) received $26,573 from the University of Southern California in support of a project entitled “Mapping Los Angeles Landscape History: A Multi-Institutional Collaboration.”
Danielle Bram and Regan Maas (Geography and Environmental Studies) received $36,590 from the California State University, San Bernardino in support of a project entitled “Disadvantaged Communities Center,” $2,008,200 from the California Department of Water Resources in support of a project entitled “NHD/WBD Statewide Update Project 2.0,” $87,000 from California State University, Chico in support of a project entitled “California Broadband Field Testing,” $14,280 from the California State University, San Bernardino in support of a project entitled “Disadvantaged Communities Center,” and $165,000 from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management in support of a project entitled “Geological and Geophysical (G&G) Dataset Improvement.”
Nancy Burstein (Special Education) received $117,000 from the Los Angeles Unified School District in support of a project entitled “Teacher Residency Grant.”
Cheryl Van Buskirk (Biology) received $222,380 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Enhancing Access to STEM Careers by Facilitating Transitions from Course-Based to Internship-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences.”
Robert Carpenter (Biology) received $128,662 from the University of California, Santa Barbara in support of a project entitled ” LTER: MCR III: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem,” and $145,556 from the University of California, Santa Barbara in support of a project entitled “LTER: MCR IV: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem.”
Mary Cecil (Geological Sciences) received $127,423 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Collaborative Research: A New Appraisal of Tectonic Mobility in the Northern Cordillera Using Connections Between the Coast Mountains Batholith and Alberta Foreland Basin.”
Zhen Chai (Special Education) received $99,762 from the United States Department of Education in support of a project entitled “Project CREATE: Preparing Culturally Responsive Early Educators in Teacher Education.”
Zhen Chai, Michele Haney (Special Education) and Debra Berry Malmberg (Psychology) received $231,245 from the United States Department of Education in support of a project entitled “The Bridge Project: Bringing Early Childhood Special Educators and Behavior Interventionists Together Through Interdisciplinary Evidence-Based Preparation to Serve Young Children with High-Intensity Needs.”
Gary Chapman and Debi Prasad Choudhary (Physics and Astronomy) received $88,567 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in support of a project entitled “Studying Solar Irradiance Variations Using Full-Disk Indices from Continuum, UV, Magnetic Field and Spectrographic Data from Ground and Space-Based Images.”
Gabriela Chavira (Psychology) and Crist Khachikian (Civil Engineering and Construction Management) received $2,300,000 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “HSI Institutional Transformation Project: Creating Opportunities for Minoritized Students to Participate in Faculty Mentored Research.”
Gabriela Chavira and Carrie Saetermoe (Psychology), Crist Khachikian (Civil Engineering and Construction Management) and Patchareeya Kwan (Health Sciences) received $1,536,567 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “BUILD II,” and $1,044,180 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “BUILD II.”
Ivan Cheng (Secondary Education) received $38,435 from the California State University Office of the Chancellor in support of a project entitled “Teachers Empowered to Advance Mathematics for Students (TEAMS) Project.”
Rebekah Child (Nursing) received $384,000 from the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development in support of a project entitled “Supporting Diversity in Nurse Residency Programs.”
Karin Crowhurst (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Synergy Between Acid Stress Chaperones HdeA and HdeB with Clients and Their Key Sites of Activity.”
Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Mathematics) received $89,252 from the United States Army in support of a project entitled “Mathematical Modeling of Limbic System Dynamics, Pathophysiology, and Response to Stress,” and $98,000 from the United States Army in support of a project entitled “Mathematical Modeling of Limbic System Dynamics, Pathophysiology, and Response to Stress.”
Peter Edmunds (Biology) received $128,663 from the University of California, Santa Barbara in support of a project entitled “LTER: MCR III: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem,” and $145,556 from the University of California, Santa Barbara in support of a project entitled “LTER: MCR IV: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem.”
Rafael Efrat (Accounting) received $994,969 from the State of California in support of a project entitled “The CSU 5+ VITA Initiative,” $304,334 from the United States Department of Treasury in support of a project entitled “The CSUN VITA Program,” $95,000 from the United States Department of Treasury in support of a project entitled “The Bookstein Low Income Taxpayer Clinic,” $24,279 from Volunteers of America in support of a project entitled “CSUN VITA Clinic @ Volunteers of America of Los Angeles,” and $1,326,625 from the State of California in support of a project entitled “The CSU 5+ VITA Initiative.”
Joshua Einhorn (College of Education) and Julie Gainsburg (Secondary Education) received $164,999 from the CSU Chancellor’s Office in support of a project entitled “CSU Center for Transformational Educator Preparation Programs,” and $8,855 from the California State University Chancellor’s Office in support of a project entitled “CSU Center for Transformational Educator Preparation Programs (CTEPP).”
Maria Elizondo (Student Affairs), Nelida Duran (Family and Consumer Sciences), and Mirna Sawyer (Health Sciences) received $62,679 from California State University, Chico in support of a project entitled “CalFresh Healthy Living on Campus.”
Michael Eller (Chemistry & Biochemistry) received $83,500 from the Semiconductor Research Corporation in support of a project entitled “Nano-Projectile SIMS for Evaluating Molecular Homogeneity in Ultra-Small Domains,” and $115,200 from Intel Corporation in support of a project entitled “Nano-scale Molecular Analysis of Materials for Intel.”
Martha Escobar (Chicana and Chicano Studies) received $23,064 from the California State University Chancellor’s Office in support of a project entitled “Project Rebound at CSU Northridge,” and $200,000 from the California State University Chancellor’s Office in support of a project entitled “Project Rebound at CSU Northridge.”
Eileen Evans (Geological Sciences) received $291,922 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Revealing Quaternary Evolution of North American Tectonics with Geologic Block Models,” $27,949 from the United States Geological Survey in support of a project entitled “Geodesy-Based Modeling to Inform the National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) of the USGS,” and $44,466 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Collaborative Research: Revealing Interseismic Crustal Deformation in the Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Western Taiwan from Geodesy and Seismology.”
Gilberto Flores (Biology) received $362,500 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Mechanisms and Consequences of Human Milk Oligosaccharide Growth and Bile Stress Across Diverse Strains of the Potential Therapeutic Bacterium, Akkermansia Muciniphila,” and $4,130 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Mechanisms and Consequences of Human Milk Oligosaccharide Growth and Bile Stress Across Diverse Strains of the Potential Therapeutic Bacterium, Akkermansia Muciniphila.”
Myriam Forster (Health Sciences) received $330,750 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Supporting Student Health and Resilience.”
Priya Ganguli and Scott Hauswirth (Geological Sciences) received $10,000 from the Regents of the University of California in support of a project entitled “Assessing Contaminant Distributions and Sources in Castaic Lake, a Mercury-Impacted Reservoir in Los Angeles County, CA.”
Mario Giraldo (Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM) received $44,000 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in support of a project entitled “Sea Surface Teleconnections with Coastal Southern California Wind and Cloud Patterns Linked to Climate, Land, Ocean, Anomalies.”
Kim Goldberg-Roth (Educational Psychology & Counseling) received $90,000 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “Sexual Assault Response Team Program,” $257,500 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “CalOES Child Advocacy Centers (KC),” $194,000 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “Underserved Child and Youth Advocacy Program (XY),” $65,000 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “Domestic Violence American Rescue Plan (RP) Program” and $439,376 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “Family Justice Center (FJ) Program.” Goldberg-Roth also received $180,737 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach Program,” $103,119 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “CalOES RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM NW16,” $93,000 from Los Angeles County in support of a project entitled “COUNTY VICTIM SERVICES (XC) PROGRAM,” $300,000 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “SEXUAL AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION (SD) PROGRAM,” $75,000 from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in support of a project entitled “Master Agreement Work Order for SPA2,” $25,000 from the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls in support of a project entitled “Women’s Recovery Response,” $310,200 from the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services in support of a project entitled “Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Intervention and Treatment (CAPIT) – San Fernando Valley,” $25,500 from the City of Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Program,” $354,673 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “CalOES RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM NW16,” $354,673 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “CalOES RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM NW16,” $1,000,000 from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services in support of a project entitled “Congressional Directive Spending Project,” $90,000 from the City of Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Domestic Response Abuse Team (DART) – Foothill,” $90,000 from the City of Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Domestic Response Abuse Team (DART)- Mission,” $90,000 from the City of Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Domestic Response Abuse Team (DART)- West Valley,” and $90,000 from the City of Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Domestic Response Abuse Team (DART)- North Hollywood.”
Kim Goldberg-Roth and Jennifer Pemberton (Educational Psychology and Counseling) received $103,119 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “CalOES Rape Crisis Program VN16,” $103,119 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “Campus Sexual Assault (CT) Program,” and $671,339 from the California Office of Emergency Services in support of a project entitled “CalOES RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM VN16.”
Shu-Sha Guan (Child and Adolescent Development), Yolanda Salgado, Carrie Saetermoe (Psychology), and Cindy Malone (Biology) received $472,263 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Educational Modules to Broaden Academic Research Cultures (EMBARC),” and $2,212,400 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Educational Modules to Broaden Research Cultures (EMBARC).”
Cedric Hackett (Africana Studies and Social and Behavioral Sciences Dean’s Office) received $24,200 from the Los Angeles Unified School District in support of a project entitled “LAUSD Black Student Achievement Plan – Enrichment Workshops for Nobel Middle School,” and $24,900 from the Los Angeles Unified School District, in support of a project entitled “LAUSD Black Student Enrichment Program 2–The Black House Events.”
Jacob Hinkel-Lipsker (Kinesiology), Peter Bishay (Mechanical Engineering), Thomas Chan and Stefanie Drew (Psychology) received $788,138 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “RUI: Improving Motor Learning and Rehabilitation Via Experimental Bidirectional Dynamic Human-Virtual Reality Interaction System.”
Nhut Ho (Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM) received $307,577 from the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research in support of a project entitled “Dynamics of Trust Evolution and Calibration: A Field Study of Heterogeneous Human-Machine Teams with High Levels of Autonomy Operating in Contexts with Real Users, Real Systems, and Real Consequences,” $949,997 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in support of a project entitled “Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM,” and $326,469 from the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research in support of a project entitled “Dynamics of Trust Evolution and Calibration: A Field Study of Heterogeneous Human-Machine Teams with High Levels of Autonomy Operating in Contexts with Real Users, Real Systems, and Real Consequences.”
Ray Hong (Biology) received $79,712 from the University of California, Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Cell Lineage-Based Investigation of Chemosensory Neuron Development.”
Bradley Jackson (Electrical & Computer Engineering) received $37,500 from the Aerospace Corporation in support of a project entitled “Reconfigurable Small Satellite Antennas,” and $12,500 from the Aerospace Corporation in support of a project entitled “Wideband Antenna Array Fabrication & Testing.”
Xudong Jia (College of Engineering and Computer Science) received $25,126 from California State University, Pomona in support of a project entitled “Statewide Crash Data Analysis, Research Studies, and Ranking Program.”
Jonathan Kelber (Biology) received $326,250 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Spatiotemporal Mechanisms of eIF5A1/2-mediated Metastasis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer,” $12,796 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled ” Spatiotemporal Mechanisms of eIF5A1/2-mediated Metastasis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer,” $42,000 from Sightgene, Inc. in support of a project entitled “Contractile Modulation of Distal Aqueous Humor Drainage,” $36,250 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Spatiotemporal Mechanisms of eIF5A1/2-Mediated Metastasis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer,” $7,000 from Sightgene, Inc. in support of a project entitled “Contractile Modulation of Distal Aqueous Humor Drainage,” $43,175 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Spatiotemporal Mechanisms of eIF5A1/2-Mediated Metastasis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer,” and $64,999 from the Sightgene, Inc. in support of a project entitled “Fibrillin-1 and TGFB2 Abnormality Models POAG Pathogenesis and Treatment.”
Claire Kravette (Religious Studies) received $120,307 from Washington University in St. Louis in support of a project entitled “The Persistence of Wild Religious Traditions: How the Handling of Misfortune Influences the Dynamics of Folk Religions.”
Patchareeya Kwan (Health Sciences) received $540,083 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “COVID-19 and Southeast Asian Americans.”
Wonjun Lee (Computer Science) received $199,929 from Auburn University in support of a project entitled “FACT: Interactive Deep Learning Platform and Multi-source Data Integration for Improved Soil Moisture Forecasting,” and $44,090 from Sandia National Laboratories in support of a project entitled “Telemetry Analytics to Secure Container-Based Cloud Computing.”
Bingbing Li (Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM) received $32,544 from the University of California, Irvine in support of a project entitled “Climate Change Resiliency Assessment for Cold Storage and Logistics.”
Bingbing Li and Christoph Schaal (Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM) received $750,000 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in support of a project entitled “Consortium for High-Volume Additive Manufacturing of Aerospace Heat Exchanger and Talent Development.”
Bingbing Li and Nhut Ho (Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM) received $56,530 from the University of California, Irvine in support of a project entitled “The Sustainable Manufacturing Alliances for Research and Training Industry Assessment Center (The SMART IAC).”
Li Liu (Computer Science) and Taeyou Jung (Kinesiology) received $299,979 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Promoting Student Engagement and Success Through Assistive Technology.”
Chieh-Cheng Lo (Mathematics) received $46,465 from the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency in support of a project entitled “A Homological Approach to Machine Reasoning.”
Julian Lozos (Geological Sciences) received $19,979 from the Southern California Earthquake Center in support of a project entitled “Using Dynamic Rupture Simulations to Explore Fault Segmentation and Rupture Length on the Sierra Madre Fault Zone.”
Gang Lu (Physics and Astronomy) received $545,000 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “PREM: Partnership Between CSUN and Princeton for Quantum Materials,” and $545,000 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “PREM: Partnership between CSUN and Princeton for Quantum Materials.”
Rachel Mackelprang (Biology) received $11,000 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in support of a project entitled “Virtual Opportunities for BIoinformatiCs RESearch (VOICES) PHASE II.”
Cindy Malone (Biology) received $3,606,500 from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine in support of a project entitled “CSUN CIRM Bridges 3.0 Stem Cell Research & Therapy Training Program.”
Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) received $61,444 from The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York in support of a project entitled “U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP),” $268,676 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Guaymas Basin Stratigraphy, Event Bed Origins, and Correlation: Maximizing Results from the 4 km of Core Recovered on IODP Expedition 385,” and $65,809 from Columbia University in support of a project entitled “U.S. Science Support Program Office Associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP).”
Jonathan Martinez (Psychology) received $181,250 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Co-Developing a Psychoeducational Mental Health Toolkit for Underserved Families to Navigate the Mental Health System.”
Maosheng Miao (Chemistry & Biochemistry) received $75,000 from the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation in support of a project entitled “Improving Design of Materials by Exploring and Utilizing Novel Chemistry.”
Abhijit Mukherjee and Vinicius Maron Sauer (Mechanical Engineering) received $75,000 from the Orange County Sustainability Decathlon in support of a project entitled “Orange County Sustainability Decathlon.”
Frank Muñiz and Shiva Parsa (Educational Opportunity Program) received $261,888 from the United States Department of Education (USDE) in support of a project entitled “CSU, Northridge Student Support Services Program,” and $261,888 from the United States Department of Education in support of a project entitled “CSU, Northridge Student Support Services Program.”
Virginia Oberholzer-Vandergon (Biology) and Brian Foley (Secondary Education) received $39,000 from The Regents of the University of California in support of a project entitled “San Fernando Valley Science Project.”
Virginia Oberholzer-Vandergon (Biology), Brian Foley and Norman Herr (both from Secondary Education), Matthew d’Alessio (Geological Sciences) and Li Ye (Chemistry & Biochemistry) received $39,000 from The Regents of the University of California in support of a project entitled “San Fernando Valley Science Project ESSA.”
Amalie Orme (Geography and Environmental Studies) received $25,000 from the United States Forest Service in support of a project entitled “Unmanned Aerial Systems/ Vehicles (UAV) Data Processing, and Integrated Water Quality Monitoring Program.”
Jennifer Pemberton and Kim Goldberg-Roth (Educational Psychology & Counseling) received $803,823 from the California Victim Compensation Board in support of a project entitled “Trauma Recovery Center Grant,” and $120,000 from the California Victim Compensation Board in support of a project entitled “Trauma Recovery Center Grant.”
Yang Peng, Dong-Ning Sheng, and Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) received $500,000 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “CSUN/Caltech-IQIM Partnership.”
Amanda Quintero (Office of the President) received $1,000,000 from the United States Department of Education in support of a project entitled “Global HSI Equity Innovation Hub at CSU Northridge.”
Bethany Rainisch (Health Sciences) received $234,612 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in support of a project entitled “iSTART: A Campus Initiative for Services in Telehealth and Rapid Testing.”
Radha Ranganathan (Physics and Astronomy) received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Intrinsic Curvature Induced Packing Heterogeneity and Non-Uniform Distribution of Cholesterol and Abeta Peptide in Lipid Bilayers.”
Terri Richardson (Biology) received $2,877 from the San Diego State University Research Foundation in support of a project entitled “Motivating Learners.”
Jeanne Robertson (Biology) received $87,042 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Mechanisms and Dynamics of Premating Reproductive Isolation Along a Speciation Continuum.”
Cristina Rubino (Management) received $210,750 from the City of Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Program Evaluation and Customer Satisfaction Surveys.”
Shelley Ruelas-Bischoff (Student Affairs) received $388,278 from California State University, Chico in support of a project entitled “CalFresh Outreach FFY 2022-2024.”
Cristian Ruiz-Rueda (Biology) received $117,987 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “RUI: Unraveling the Physiological Roles of Multidrug Efflux Pumps in Bacteria.”
Emily Russell (Child and Adolescent Development) received $89,772 from the Jumpstart Inc. in support of a project entitled “Jumpstart Northridge.”
Carrie Saetermoe, Gabriela Chavira (Psychology), Crist Khachikian (Research and Graduate Studies), and Patchareeya Kwan (Health Sciences) received $494,511 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “BUILD II.”
Tatevik Sargsyan (Public Administration Program) received $20,000 from California State University, Sacramento in support of a project entitled “FRPR Gates Proposal – Introduction to the High-Growth/High-Equality Economies: Policy Considerations for the State of California.”
Vinicius Maron Sauer (Mechanical Engineering) received $55,000 from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund in support of a project entitled “Effects of Ammonia and Hydrogen Addition on Sooting and Combustion Characteristics of Laminar Premixed Flames at Elevated Pressures.”
Christoph Schaal (Mechanical Engineering) received $30,000 from the Aerospace Corporation in support of a project entitled “Experimental Investigation for Guided-Wave Based Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of Composite Structures with Various Features.”
Natalie Schaal, Christoph Schaal, Jamie Booth, and Peter Bishay (Mechanical Engineering) received $112,689 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in support of a project entitled “Mass-Mitigation Through Experimental Characterization of Frequency-Dependent Strength of Metallic Structures.”
Joshua Schwartz (Geological Sciences) received $393,948 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Collaborative Research: Resolving Conflicting Models for the Laramide Orogeny and the Flat-Slab Paradigm in the Southern California Batholith,” and $17,200 from the California Department of Conservation in support of a project entitled “Geochronology of Southern California Plutonic Rocks.”
Whitney Scott (Undergraduate Studies) received $50,000 from the Association of College and University Educators in support of a project entitled “ACUE-Gates Study.”
Dong-Ning Sheng (Physics and Astronomy) received $40,000 from Princeton University in support of a project entitled “Collaborative Research for Topological Materials with Princeton MRSEC,” $140,000 from the United States Department of Energy in support of a project entitled “Global Quantum Phase Diagram and Topological Superconductivity in Strongly Interacting Systems,” and $40,000 from Princeton University in support of a project entitled “Collaborative Research for Topological Materials with Princeton MRSEC.”
Nyssa Silbiger (Biology) received $475,092 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “CAREER: Predicting Ecosystem Metabolism of Rocky Intertidal Communities in Warming and Acidifying Oceans.”
Mark Steele (Biology) received $382,441 from the University of California, Santa Barbara in support of a project entitled “SONGS Mitigation Monitoring Program, 2020-2021.”
Chuanbing Shawn Sun (Civil Engineering and Construction Management) received $60,000 from the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute in support of a project entitled “Development of Precast Girder Transport Vehicle Stability Analysis Parameters.”
Jolene Swain and Darlene Woo (Social Work) received $43,000 from the Comprehensive Community Health Centers in support of a project entitled “MIP: Mentored Internship Program for Comprehensive Community Health Center.”
Jolene Swain and Tiffani Brooks (Social Work) received $8,250 from the Ventura County Public Health Care Agency in support of a project entitled “MIP: Mentored Internship Program for Ventura County Behavioral Health,” and $1,350 from the Samuel Dixon Family Health Center in support of a project entitled “Mentored Internship Program (MIP): Social Work Interns for Samuel Dixon Family Health Center.”
Jolene Swain, Tiffani Brooks, and Darlene Woo (Social Work) received $60,000 from Penny Lane Centers in support of a project entitled “MIP: Mentored Internship Program for Penny Lane Centers.”
Melissa Takahashi (Biology) received $130,500 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Discovering Novel Antimicrobial Agents that Target sRNA Regulated Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms,” and $14,500 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Discovering Novel Antimicrobial Agents that Target sRNA Regulated Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms.”
April Taylor (Child and Adolescent Development) received $5,753 from the San Diego State University Research Foundation in support of a project entitled “Developing Institutional Cultures that Support Student Motivation.”
Joseph Teprovich (Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $30,000 from the Savannah River National Laboratory in support of a project entitled “Perovskite Support,” $29,389 from the Sandia National Laboratories in support of a project entitled “Synthesis of Practical High Temperature Superconductors in Hydrogen-Rich Materials,” and $35,480 from the Sandia National Laboratories in support of a project entitled “Synthesis of Practical High Temperature Superconductors in Hydrogen-Rich Materials.”
Timothy Tiemann (Business and Economics Dean’s Office) received $7,500 from the California State University, Long Beach in support of a project entitled “Sunstone CSU8 Program Outreach Best Practices and KPI’s.”
Claudia Toledo-Corral (Health Sciences) received $17,525 from the University of Southern California in support of a project entitled “ECHO (LA-DREAMERS),” $184,582 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Allostatic Load in Latino Youth (ALLY) Study: The Role of Discrimination and Environmental Racism,” and $31,829 from the University of Southern California in support of a project entitled “Maternal and Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors (MADRES).”
Csaba Toth (Mathematics) received $124,304 from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “RUI: Optimization on Geometric Spanner Networks from a Combinatorial Perspective.”
Houssam Toutanji and Xudong Jia (College of Engineering and Computer Science) received $35,000 from the California State University, Sacramento in support of a project entitled “CSU-LSAMP STEM Pathways & Research Alliance,” and $30,000 from the California State University, Sacramento in support of a project entitled “CSU-LSAMP STEM Pathways & Research Alliance (NSF Award).”
Juana Maria Valdivia and Evelyn Garcia (Student Outreach and Recruitment) received $305,250 from the United States Department of Education in support of a project entitled “Talent Search – San Fernando Valley North Central,” $305,250 from the United States Department of Education in support of a project entitled “Talent Search – San Fernando Valley Northeast,” and $312,480 from the United States Department of Education in support of a project entitled “Upward Bound – San Fernando Valley North Central.”
Yolanda Vasquez-Salgado (Psychology) received $181,250 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Investigating Cultural Mismatch and its Associations to Health and Academic Outcomes Among Latinx Students During the Transition to College: The Moderating Role of Education Context and Resilience.”
Ivor Weiner (Special Education) received $322,800 from the Antelope Valley Special Education Local Plan Area in support of a project entitled “Antelope Valley SELPA Parent Partners,” and $183,209 from the Santa Clarita Valley SELPA in support of a project entitled “Santa Clarita Valley SELPA Parent Partners,” and $291,595 from Heluna Health in support of a project entitled “Community Navigator Program.”
Jennifer Wolfe (Secondary Education) received $39,082 from The Regents of the University of California in support of a project entitled “California Subject Matter Project Grant for the Cal State Northridge Writing Project,” and $25,000 from the Regents of the University of California in support of a project entitled “ESSER: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief.”
Hui Xie (Recreation and Tourism Management) received $181,250 from the National Institutes of Health in support of a project entitled “Senior Centers and Older Adults’ Health Outcomes.”
Li Ye (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Virginia Oberholzer Vandergon (Biology) and Brian Foley (Secondary Education) received $39,997 from the Regents of the University of California in support of a project entitled “California Science Project, and $34,000 from the Regents of the University of California in support of a project entitled “One Time Learning Acceleration Funding.”
Natale Zappia (Institute for Sustainability) received $60,000 from the Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs in support of a project entitled “Cal Fire Forest Restoration Project.”
Natale Zappia (Institute for Sustainability) and Crist Khachikian (Civil Engineering and Construction Management) received $157,194 from the University of California, Los Angeles in support of a project entitled “Community Emission Reduction Grant Assistance and Training Program.”
Maria Elena Zavala (Biology) received $28,966 from the American Society for Cell Biology in support of a project entitled “Improving Diversity and Career Transitions Through Society Support.”
Maria Elena Zavala, Ray Hong, and Cheryl Hogue (Biology) received $653,897 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences in support of a project entitled “U-RISE Training the Next Generation of Basic Biomedical Researchers A Holistic Approach,” and $553,869 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences in support of a project entitled “Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program at CSUN.”
Awards, Awards and Honors, CSUN
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